Thursday, November 6, 2008

The New Newsroom - Post #1.

This is the first in a series of posts about the newsroom of the future. Don't like this one bit? Wanna give me a virtual high five? That's why we have the comment feature.

I read a thoughtful post written by Jeff Jarvis a few days ago which prodded further thought and a few great conversations. In the article, Jarvis mentions a discussion which hypothesized a 200 to 300 person newsroom could be successfully pared down to 35. Visionary? Yes. Frightening? Sure....but read on.

To drive this point home, I've developed a fancy graphic below of a suggested org chart.

Suggested Org Chart for the New Newsroom
A few people to make sure the writers get paid
A few people to sell advertising & market the writers' work 

What I'm suggesting here is that solid, engaging news content is more important than the old process of packaging and filtering the news.

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